Painting blur 360

glitch portal

Archaea Datamosh REel

Archaea Datamosh

Primary Symmetry 


Movie Melt 360

Greyscale Glitch 360

video dance Iii: Accumulation

This fun experimental project was Inspired by Trisha Brown's "Accumulation," and the randomized choreography of Merce Cunningham. In this work, I leveraged the affordances of digital video editing to create a physically impossible dance that accumulates every clip with its own steps and sounds over time and also accumulates the residual pixels from each frame due to datamoshing.  

Video Dance II:  surrounding Symmetry

This iteration of my Video Dance  Series was Inspired by the randomized choreography model of Merce Cunningham. While his choreography was limited to what dancers could physically do, I leveraged the affordances of digital video editing to create a dance that is  Impossible in the physical world.  I took it one step further to set this dance in a physically impossible space. You can drag around and scroll to view this 360 video from different angles.  The accompanying music was produced by myself.
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